The Magic in Doing the Hard Work

The Magic in Doing the Hard Work

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The Magic in Doing the Hard Work
July 8, 2021

Summer is magic.  And while school might be the opposite of summer in most kids’ minds, we try to infuse a good dose of that summer magic in our version of summer school.  Sharing fun, adventure, ice cream, and cold mountain swimming holes on hot sunny days makes for great connections and builds up our tolerance for doing the hard and necessary things: solving math problems, writing essays, resolving conflicts, facing anxiety.

It may be the sunny days and firefly nights of summer that feel like magic, but it’s in learning to do the hard things that the magic truly lies.  Therein is the super-power.  So here’s to summer at Oliverian, where you might strap a light to your forehead to explore a narrow cave passage, or you might grow vegetables to cook in an ancient Roman recipe for your history class, or you might power through a semester of precalculus in a mere six weeks. You might do something really hard, and you might have fun doing it.

Abby Hood,
Interim Head of School