Myles Trifon

Myles Trifon

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Myles Trifon

Student Support Coach

Myles, Student Support Coach, was born and raised in Southern California and graduated from Jacobs University Bremen in Germany with a degree in Biochemistry and Cell Biology. After a time working in research, he moved to rural Vermont to apprentice as an acoustic guitar builder before returning to Germany to open his workshop there. Tired of the impersonal accompaniments of living in the city, Myles and his wife realized a lifelong dream of living in the forest and set their roots down in Pike, New Hampshire.

Myles then began working as a Youth Counselor in an intensive residential placement facility for youth with extreme trauma and maladaptive behaviors, concretizing his desire to work with adolescents and help them on their path. He hopes to bring his spirit of kindness and acceptance to the Oliverian community, focusing on providing and strengthening the skills needed for each student to independently achieve their idea of success. He believes that to bring up a generation of self-possessed, flourishing and capable human beings, we must lead by example and empower each other.

What do you love most about Oliverian?
I love most Oliverian’s holistic approach to nurturing, educating, and bringing up our students. I consider myself extremely lucky to have landed in Oliverian’s orbit and to be a part of such an inclusive, accepting, and passionate team.

What motivates you to work with kids?
As kids and young adults, we are sometimes vulnerable to internalizing someone else’s picture of what we ought to be. I want to help kids as they engage with the world’s expectations of them and their role in it, to help them define for themselves what would bring them contentment in their authenticity.